Friday, July 31, 2015

Daily Duffster

I've been neglecting my Duffster posts, so here's a small sampling of Hilary's many public appearances of late:

hilary duff hotnesshilary duff hotness
hilary duff hotnesshilary duff hotness
hilary duff hotness
hilary duff hotnesshilary duff hotness
hilary duff hotnesshilary duff hotness
hilary duff hotnesshilary duff hotness

Friday Flashback = Mena Suvari

I can't remember the last time I had thought about Mena Suvari until I saw her name in the credits of some horror flick showing on cable. Don't Blink was the film's title and aply named if you were a fan wanting to see Ms. Suvari as she was out of the movie barely 20 minutes in.

I always wonder when I see some notable name amidst the unknowns in a cast for a nothingburger movie like this. I'm pretty sure it is some sort of contractual obligation or even a favor to a producer or writer or whatever. Anyways, her appearance made me remember I had some old stuff buried on the hard-drive which I present here for my peeps:

A little topless paparazzi action:

mena suvari topless
mena suvari topless
mena suvari topless
mena suvari topless
mena suvari topless
mena suvari topless

Some basic bikini stuff:

mena suvari bikini
mena suvari bikini

And some fashion mag stuff:

mena suvari hotnessmena suvari hotnessmena suvari hotness
mena suvari hotnessmena suvari hotnessmena suvari hotness

F*cking Awesome!!

So to set the stage -- It's Sunday in a quiet residential neighborhood in Bullitt County, Kentucky. A teenage girl, who's been sunbathing out by her pool comes in and tells her father that there's a drone hovering over the backyards of various houses. Perhaps not coincidentally, houses that also have teenage girls in swimsuits hanging out by the pool.

So the father grabs his shotgun and steps into the backyard, saying to one of his neighbors that he won't do anything unless it comes over his property. Sure enough the drone comes over his yard and he blasts the thing out of the sky.

Some minutes later, four guys show up at the father's house demanding to know if he was the one who shot down their drone. And it went like this:

"They asked me, 'Are you the S.O.B. that shot my drone?' and I said, 'Yes I am,'..."I had my 40[.cal] Glock on me and they started toward me and I told them, 'If you cross my sidewalk, there’s gonna be another shooting.'"


At which point the four guys politely left the father's property.

Supposedly the guys were simply taking pictures of a friend's house from the air. I'm sure it was pure coincidence that they chose a weekend day with lots of neighborhood teenage girls laying out by their pools in their bikinis and hovered over them until the girls noticed and waved at the camera. I'm sure they were simply having a hard time finding the correct house to photograph/video.

As we become blanketed with surveillance from city/county/state/national agencies and every Tom, Dick, and Harry using their cell-phones to record everything, I find myself becoming more concerned about the round-the-clock snooping into the daily moments of our lives. I say bully for Dad there. I would have done the same thing.

And bully for Dad as a responsible gun owner as we once again see how simply the possession/carrying of a firearm forestalled a violent encounter.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Denise Richards in a bikini = botoxy?

And speaking of 80s icons -- Denise Richards appeared in a staged bikini photo set looking good, but with a unrealistically smooth face for someone in their mid-fourties:

denise richards bikini
denise richards bikini
denise richards bikini
denise richards bikini

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Britney Spears in a bikini = not bad

Pics of Britney on vacation (?!?!?) in Hawaii surfaced recently, and the lip-sync star didn't look half bad. Perhaps the time out of the intense spotlight is doing her some good:

britney spears bikini in hawaii
britney spears bikini in hawaii
britney spears bikini in hawaii
britney spears bikini in hawaii

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Melissa Reeves gets her revenge

After Kayleigh Morris gave Melissa Reeves the chestal version of a drawers-ing a few months back, the blonde actress/party-girl waited patiently for her moment of revenge, then had at it:

kayleigh morris topless by melissa reeves
kayleigh morris topless by melissa reeves
kayleigh morris topless by melissa reeves
kayleigh morris topless by melissa reeves

Merry old England, indeed!

So, Lindsay wore this to the beach

Lindsay Lohan broke out some interesting beach wear whilst in Greece recently:

lindsay lohan beach
lindsay lohan beach

While her swimming ensemble is certainly a head scratcher, I'm more taken aback by her glaringly poor physique. At a time when 20-something women, particularly in Hollywood (Linds is 29, btw), are working hard on the fitness and overall appearance, Lindsay seems almost defiantly out of shape. Absolutely no muscle tone or definition, and that coke bloat belly is amazing.

lindsay lohan beach
lindsay lohan beach
lindsay lohan beach

In a twisted way, I'm almost impressed by the fact she stubbornly refuses to improve her physique/fitness. I've got no problem with a woman that has curves, and Linds certainly has those. But I do wonder what she's going to look like in another 10 years if she continues down this particular path with her personal appearance.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's going to make arguing the point more difficult now

it doesn't matter

In case you've missed it, video surfaced of a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing the harvesting and selling of fetal body parts from aborted babies. The video is gruesome enough, but the rush to excuse this barbaric practice is truly stomach turning. The most recent argument is that the women signed donor release forms allowing the PP centers to harvest the fetal materials for various medical uses.

Okay. But I thought these weren't babies but inanimate clumps of cells or tissues. That what abortion proponents keep saying -- We're not actually killing babies, just removing benign tissues from a willing patient.

Except now, we're hearing that these benign tissues have organs like livers and hearts. And have limbs that can be saved or crushed depending on what the murderer, excuse me, abortion practitioner wants to do with them.

Liver. Heart. Lungs. Arms and legs. Kind of sounds like a baby to me. So which is it folks? A clump of cells or a helpless child that's going to be crushed and mutilated in what is supposed to be the safety of a mother's womb in the name of convenience and big $$$'s?

See. It doesn't matter if you got a signed consent form to harvest those baby organs, you've just admitted that that is a child you're killing there. A helpless, innocent, tiny human being with working, functioning organs and limbs. That's life, dammit! And you're murdering it for the basest of reasons.

This time Kendall > Kylie

The Jenner sisters were out and about yesterday, both sporting skin-tight jeans, and usually Kylie would win that showdown with her roller coaster curves:

kylie jenner jeans ass

But Kendall used her lithe figure to her advantage to wear a top that her full-figured sister wouldn't dare wear out of the house:

kendall jenner sideboob
kendall jenner sideboob
kendall jenner sideboob
kendall jenner sideboob
kendall jenner sideboob

This round to the skinny sister.

And for the trifecta, here's Kim from some magazine in a see-thru top because . . . that's what she does. Not like she's out curing cancer or anything, gotta work to your strengths I suppose.

kim kardashian see thru