Sunday, July 9, 2017

Rule 5 Sunday -- Gabrielle

model gabe

So I take the occasional look around my stats to see what folks are looking at, searching for etc. This isn't a high traffic blog, and I'm not posting as regularly as I have in the past, but I'm always curious about the metrics of who and why and so on.

A number of years back, I did a Rule 5 posting on this model Gabrielle, and oddly enough, there is a fair amount of continual searching going on for her that that silly little post generates enough traffic to rank it in the top ten month after month. Go figure.

I looked around the recesses of my hard drive, and I had some unused images of this model, substantially more racy than the ones I posted before (that was back when Blogger was hinting that they were going to crack down on R-rated imagery), so for those who keep looking for this girl . . . here ya' go. Enjoy.

*click on the thumbnails for full-sized images*

model gabemodel gabemodel gabe model gabemodel gabemodel gabe model gabemodel gabemodel gabe

Rule 5 Sunday suggested by this.

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